witness woman

by Jeff Rainwater, 20 March 2017, Basin & Hyattville, WY

Inspired by John 4:1-29
In a world that is so adept at depersonalizing and dehumanizing,
the greatest gift we can give to someone is to see, really see, them,
as Jesus saw the woman at the well.

There you are,
Witness Woman,
strong in voice,
keen of mind,
brave at heart.

I see you.

There you are,
Witness Woman,
hidden by doubt,
held down by race,
buried by innuendo,
hemmed in by

I see you.

There you are,
Witness Woman.
Cast aside jar
and fear and
You are so much
more than the
burdens you’ve

I see you.

You are my
Witness Woman,
strong, keen, and brave.
Now, drink deep!

There you are,
Witness Woman,
I see you!